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A Question for All the Presidential Candidates

October 6, 2007

As President, would you extradite George Bush or other high-level officials of the current administration to face charges of torture, violation of human rights, or war crimes before an international crimes court?

3 Comments leave one →
  1. October 9, 2007 7:57 AM

    For me, the answer would be easy. Give ’em a fair trial in Nuremberg then take them out back and hang them.

  2. October 9, 2007 9:17 PM

    I can’t condone a death sentence carried out by the international community any more than I would if we were talking about some state entity.

    However exile to Iraq… Fallujah perhaps… I could go along with that.

  3. October 11, 2007 9:01 AM

    My dear Montag,

    It is unlikely that any international court dealing with alleged war crimes in the former Iraq would have the death penalty as an option – the Europeans wouldn’t stand for it.

    For this reason, those whose preferred outcome of a fair trial is hanging should insist on a trial in the United States. I used to agree, although I had elaborated an elaborately ceremonial scenario of a globally televised firing squad in the White House Rose Garden, with military bands, precision aerobatic flyovers by fighter planes, etc.

    Now, however, I agree with you – governments should kill people only when it’s absolutely necessary – and when you have someone in custody, it’s not necessary.

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