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If you are arriving at this page, please forgive us for moving shit around on you. The new web addresses for Stump Lane are as follows:

Main page:
Entries feed:
Comments feed:

Correspondents please note that my old email address is now defunct. I can be now reached at: stumplane “at” gmail “dot” com

Please, please, please, update any blogrolls and/or rss feeds you may have pointing at Stump Lane. And help spread the word if you’re so inclined.

The site is now hosted at which will be much cheaper, as I will only have to pay for domain registration as opposed to full-blown web hosting. It should also make the blog easier to maintain when it comes to keeping the blog software and spam filter up to date. So please bear with me for a little while.

The usual theme is gone as well as all of our images, which will have to be replaced one by one, which will take some time. Many of the images will never come back. This is unfortunate, and a pain in the ass for me, (and to some extent you, I realize,) and it kills any web “cred” that may have been built here over the years through image searches, and so on. Oh well!

I do plan on keeping the blog going at some level or another, I only hope that my internet friends and acquaintances will continue to be able to find the place and visit.
